Launching When You Don’t Feel Ready

If you’re a new entrepreneur, you may delay launching a program because you don’t feel “ready.” Even if you’re an established entrepreneur, launching a new program can feel daunting if it’s something you haven’t done before. Maybe it’s something that’s branching out for you, and you’re sort of testing the waters. 

In both cases, new entrepreneur or established entrepreneur, you aren’t sure how your audience will respond or even if your program is something they’ll want.

In this episode of the Marketing Chat Podcast, I walk you through practical and mindset steps to feeling ready—because it’s almost always the right time to launch!

Kelly Smith

Kelly Smith is on a mission to help ensure technology makes life better for everyone. With an insatiable curiosity and a multidisciplinary background, she brings a unique perspective to navigating the ethical quandaries surrounding artificial intelligence and data-driven innovation.

How to Narrow Your Focus as a Multi-Passionate Entrepreneur


Dr. Zarya Rubin